CNC Milling

CNC Milling Services


precision CNC milling

CNC Milling is one of our specialities. Our CNC milling service is the ideal process for complex shapes with high dimensional tolerances. We can mill with up to 5 axes on our modern machining centres.


The parts we make have a high degree of accuracy and finish, and must look optically perfect.


CNC milling can be used to create a wide variety of odd or irregular shapes. Therefore, milling is often the right solution for many of the industries we work with, including Led lighting, safety, 3D printer, medical, oil &gas, transportation, computer, electronics and the aerospace industry.


We have the ability to work with many different materials – including but not limited to aluminum, stainless steel, alloy steel, copper, brass, bronze, iron and more.


In addition, we offer a variety of expertly applied finishing options to improve the mechanical and aesthetic properties of your CNC milled part, including plating, anodizing, powder-coating, bead blasting and polishing. Contact us today so we can get started on your project immediately.


Gallery of Milled Parts:


cnc milling aluminum heat sink manufacturer
cnc milled lighting housing
cnc milled lighting components
milled lighting parts manufacturer
lighting housing supplier
spotlight metal parts